Thursday, June 9, 2011

Twitter and news

Nowhere Near Normality is now on twitter. Follow me @NoNearNormality. I'll use twitter mainly for three things.

First, like anyone else does with their blog, I'll tweet new blog entries on Nowhere Near Normality.

Second, I'll tweet ideas worth of sharing. I often have ideas that I don't blog about but would like to write. twitter's the place. I also want to try to express a thought in fewer words to enhance my writing skills.

Third, I want to use twitter to communicate more often with the community. Other blog writers and readers of Nowhere Near Normality.

Also, I want to rewrite and revamp my blog. When I started blogging. I did it without any expectations. I really thought I would quit after a while. On the contrary, now I want to dedicate myself more. So I'll refine my work here, shine it a little.

By the way any advice on blogging like putting pictures with each entry and make weekly/monthly "rendez-vous" with the readers is welcome. I never put much attention on making Nowhere Near Normality a good blogging experience but it'll change.